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The Truth About The Carbon Footprint Of Solar Panels

Solar energy is one of the first things we consider when “going green.” What could be more renewable than the sun? Abundant, pollution-free energy can also dramatically reduce your electric bill.

Of course, there is an intermediary step or two from sunshine to electricity for your home or office. We all pretty much know there’s no such thing as a free lunch. In order to harvest the sun’s energy for your electricity, you need solar panels. And those panels don’t just grow on a tree in a jungle and fly up onto your roof!

Yeah, we wish.

There’s a bit of industry involved in getting those photons to light up our modern lives. Obviously, considerable energy and raw materials are involved in manufacturing a solar panel. Ironically, it is often hydrocarbon-generated electricity – coal – that powers the factories producing solar panels. Ditto for all the components of a solar system. And the cars the employees drive to those factories and installation sites. And the computers used by all involved. Etcetera. You see, it ain’t easy being green. Said some famous frog.

But fear not; solar-generated electricity is indeed a highly green form of energy compared to fossil fuel-based energy. Once installed, a solar panel makes pollution-free energy. (And, installed correctly, the solar system should not require repairs – which involve the use of more energy, making any item less green).

The better any product is manufactured – across its production chain (taking into account labor conditions) – the better it is likely to function. The more robust a system is, the greener it is.

Carbon footprint solar panels


A solar PV system built with quality components and installed by a thoroughly trained and meticulous crew will deliver clean, reliable power for thirty or more years. As not all solar panels are created equal, neither are all solar companies.

Embodied energy is a term used for the energy consumed in the production of a given product. Assessing embodied energy is not an exact science, of course – there is variability as to what factors to consider. It is generally accepted that a PV panel “pays” for its embodied energy in about two years. (Homepower, 2008)


A PV panel’s degree of “green-ness” depends on 4 main factors:

  1. The production process involved in making it – from origin to final product
  2. How robustly the panel is made
  3. How well the solar system is installed
  4. The recycling of panel materials at the end of its life

Over 50% of panels on the market are made in China. While these panels are cheaper, the environmental cost of manufacturing is much higher than in other countries. We offer Qcells, which have been manufactured in the USA since 2019.

Note: In this post, crystalline silicon-based solar panels are being considered. Thin-film solar panels have different production processes and raw materials.


The Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) claims that solar panels have a life expectancy of about 30 years. Quality panels will likely last much longer. Over its lifetime, a PV panel will produce many times more energy than was required for its production.

There has been a “rule” out there that panels degrade by 1% yearly. That, however, is rather pessimistic, especially for higher quality panels. A study by NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) concluded that “a panel manufactured today should produce 92% of its original power after 20 years, quite a bit higher than the 80% estimated by the 1% rule.”


Glass makes up 80% of a solar panel’s composition, so the majority of a panel is already recyclable. Additionally, metals (mainly aluminum and copper) and most semiconductor materials can be recycled. The manufacturer is responsible to produce a solar panel that can easily be processed at the end of its life.

At this time most solar panels installed are still viable and performing well, so the issue of recycling has only just begun being addressed. Europe has the PV Cycle program for recycling PV panels, but here in the U.S., we do not yet have a well-organized program. SEIA is currently addressing this issue.


Most of us realize the necessity of weaning ourselves off our wasteful, consumerist ways. A big step in that direction is taking into account how the products we use are made – the environmental impact, the labor conditions, and the overall quality of a given product.

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