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Because of the design of the Wallace’s Longmont, CO home, there was not sufficient roof area for panels to generate the power they wanted.  After researching how a ground mount system might look and operate, they decided an AllEarth Solar dual-axis tracker was their best option.

What prompted you to decide to invest in a solar PV system?
We built our passive solar home in 1979. For many years the house heated and cooled itself quite well.  Slowly though, as daytime temperatures went up and nighttime temperatures stayed higher, we found that we just couldn’t cool the house sufficiently, so, after 38 years, we decided to add AC.  We hated the idea of adding that much energy usage, so solar became an easy decision.

How long have you had your PV system? Does the system meet your expectations insofar as how it looks and operates?
Our system has only been up for about a month, so we are still learning what it will do.  So far, in January and February, we seem to be getting more days sending excess power back to the grid than not. It’s fun to watch the tracker operate during the day, and it has already demonstrated how it operates during adverse conditions like high winds and heavy snow.  I’ve been impressed with the engineering.

I have to say the tracker unit is big, but it does not look out of place on the back of our one-acre lot. Since it moves all day long, we are always seeing a different view.

Are you happy with IPS’s performance in working with you and delivering as you expected? 
IPS has been great. They’ve been quick to answer all of our questions and have always been ready to help when needed. Their efficiency and quality of workmanship have been great.

What would you like to say to someone considering going solar?
Considering the political situation we see ourselves in, I think it’s imperative that people who care about the environment invest in these technologies.  We owe it to our children and grandchildren to spend our time and money trying to save our planet.
Solar Tracker


  • 6.9 kW SunPower PV array
  • [20] SPR-345X SunPower panels
  • Annual production: 15,837 kWh

Brad and Margaret Wallace have lived in Colorado since the sixties. After graduating from the CU School of Architecture, Brad worked for some years designing and building passive solar homes in the Boulder region. He then changed professions and worked as a freelance camera and lighting operator for the broadcast and corporate world till his recent retirement. Margaret was a teacher from 1975 – 2015, both in local public and private schools.

To learn more about AllEarth Solar Trackers, click here; one of our solar specialists will promptly get in touch.

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